Lorik, дуэтом с Снэппером - вообще отпад. Глядя на тебя, и у меня урки дошли до хваста. Буду выкладывать потихонечку... Например, вот Fifth Dimension. Мой главный мечт гибискусовый...
The Creator had a lot of remarkably good ideas when he put the world together, but making it understandable hadn't been one of them. (Terry Pratchett, "Mort")
The Creator had a lot of remarkably good ideas when he put the world together, but making it understandable hadn't been one of them. (Terry Pratchett, "Mort")
А это Erin Rachel, которой так понравилось на солнышке...
The Creator had a lot of remarkably good ideas when he put the world together, but making it understandable hadn't been one of them. (Terry Pratchett, "Mort")
Что она выдала просто гигантский для себя цветок - аж 12 сантиметров в диаметре...
The Creator had a lot of remarkably good ideas when he put the world together, but making it understandable hadn't been one of them. (Terry Pratchett, "Mort")
Ну и для красоты ещё Purple Magic похвастаюсь. Цветок получился несколько растрёпанным, но и на картинке он примерно такой же. Но я бы не возражала, если бы он получился поровнее. Вот это он, не совсем распустившийся.
The Creator had a lot of remarkably good ideas when he put the world together, but making it understandable hadn't been one of them. (Terry Pratchett, "Mort")
The Creator had a lot of remarkably good ideas when he put the world together, but making it understandable hadn't been one of them. (Terry Pratchett, "Mort")
Ну а вот так он выглядит, когда полностью раскроется. И держится три дня.
The Creator had a lot of remarkably good ideas when he put the world together, but making it understandable hadn't been one of them. (Terry Pratchett, "Mort")